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The comprehensive Tomorrow Plan can include not only simple things like the addition of bathtub grab bars or wheelchair ramps, but also the services of medical and nursing professionals to help with medication management, explanations of diagnoses, or personal care. Regardless of the need, Aurora’s skilled professionals will provide the resources that meet the individual’s unique needs.

Age of Tomorrow

Aurora Community Health is a state-licensed, Medicaid/Medicare-certified Home Health Agency

Key Components of the Age of Tomorrow

Professional Comprehensive Home Assessment 
One of Aurora's certified care managers or registered nurses will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the home for safety, accessibility, and comfort issues.


Development of a Customized Tomorrow Plan 
By working closely with Aurora’s certified care managers and registered nurses, families participate in the creation of a personalized Tomorrow Plan custom-tailored to meet the needs of their aging parent. Since each individual is one-of-a kind, the Tomorrow Plan for each individual will be unique and will focus on providing whatever is needed to ensure their safety, independence, and dignity.


Implement and Monitor of Tomorrow Plan 
The customized plan will be continually monitored and modified as needed to ensure the safety and comfort of the individual.


Coordination with Outside Services 
Aurora's care managers will coordinate care with doctors, therapists, or other professionals as needed. Care managers can assist families and individuals by explaining medical terminology and medical treatment plan language.

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